Below is a listing of commonly used term related to technology on the SUNY Broome Community College campus. The remainder of this module will give you a more in depth description of the technology used at SUNY Broome and where to go for assistance.
- Asynchronous: An asynchronous course is one that typically does not require face-to-face or synchronous (specific online meeting time) interaction for students. Asynchronous courses are not typically self-paced, as students will need to participate in activities each week and meet due dates throughout the semester. A fully online course utilizes a web-based software application called a Learning Management System (LMS) to deliver online content, conduct asynchronous discussion, manage assignments, and/or deliver exams/quizzes among other activities. It should be noted that not all online courses utilize all of these content items.
- Banner: Banner is the computer information system used at SUNY Broome that contains and controls information regarding students, courses, faculty and other administrative and financial data. Students use Banner to register for classes, check class schedules and review financial aid information. It can be accessed through the MyCollege portal.
- Blackboard: Blackboard is the Learning Management System currently used at SUNY Broome Community College to deliver fully online courses and to provide online content to face-to-face and blended courses. Blackboard can be accessed directly at http://broome.open.suny.edu.
- Blended Course: A blended course is one that meets both on campus and online. In a blended course, a significant part of the course learning is online and, as a result, the amount of classroom seat-time is reduced, but not eliminated. While every blended course is organized differently, the underlying goal of the blended format is to join the best practices of face-to-face teaching with the best features of online instructional technology to promote active independent learning and reduce class seat time.
- Citrix (APPS): Citrix (APPS) is a secure remote-access environment that enables convenient access to licensed campus software such as Microsoft Office and network drives from off campus. APPS can be accessed by logging in to http://apps.sunybroome.edu using your campus username and password.
- Campus Computer Account: Every registered student is given a campus computer account with a unique username and password. This account grants students access to different systems on campus such as MyCollege, Blackboard, campus network drives as well as access to the computers in the labs on campus.
- Email/Gmail: Every registered student receives a SUNY Broome email account which is provided through Google's Gmail. Students can access their campus email either through the MyCollege portal or directly at http://www.gmail.com..
- Flash Drive (Thumb Drive): A Flash Drive (or Thumb Drive) is a high capacity USB device used for portable storage. The computers in the labs at SUNY Broome have USB ports for students to use these devices.
- Gmail/Email: Every registered student receives a SUNY Broome email account with is provided through Google's Gmail. Students can access their campus email either through the MyCollege portal or directly at http://www.gmail.com.
- Information Technology Services (ITS): Information Technology Services (ITS) is the department on campus which provides assistance with computer related issues.
- Learning Management System (LMS): A Learning Management System is a web-based software application that is used to deliver an online course or online content for a face-to-face or blended course. SUNY Broome currently utilizes the Blackboard Learning Management System.
- MyCollege: MyCollege is the web-based college portal that includes registration, admissions, financial aid and other student information. Through MyCollege, students can check grades, request College transcripts, and gain access to other College services. The MyCollege portal can be accessed at http://mycollege.sunybroome.edu.
- Network: A computer network is a system of connected computers providing access to the Internet and other resources. Students log in to the network using their campus computer account username and password.
- Online Course: A fully online course is typically asynchronous meaning that is does not require face-to-face or synchronous (specific online meeting time) interaction for students. Asynchronous courses are not typically self-paced, as students will need to participate in activities each week and meet due dates throughout the semester. A fully online course utilizes a web-based software application called a Learning Management System (LMS) to deliver online content, conduct asynchronous discussion, manage assignments, and/or deliver exams/quizzes among other activities. It should be noted that not all online courses utilize all of these content items.
- Open SUNY: Open SUNY is the SUNY-wide program that provides support and hosting of the fully online, blended and web-supplemented Blackboard courses offered at SUNY Broome Community College.
- Synchronous: Synchronous components in a course are activities or interactions that occur at the same time and sometimes the same place. Examples of synchronous components include live online chat or a scheduled face-to-face meeting time.
- Thumb Drive (Flash Drive): A Thumb Drive (or Flash Drive) is a high capacity USB device used for portable storage. The computers in the labs at SUNY Broome have USB ports for students to use these devices.
- Web-Supplemented Course: A web-supplemented course is one that has all of the elements of a traditional face-to-face course but is enhanced with components that utilize our Learning Management System. Web-supplemented courses are a diverse combination of offerings that incorporate many of the instructional tools utilized in our fully online or blended courses but do not reduce classroom seat time in doing so. Students should assume that any course offered at SUNY Broome may incorporate technology into instruction and may contain a web-supplemented component.
- "Z" Drive: The "Z" Drive refers to personal disk space that is provided to registered students each semester. Students can access their "Z" drive by logging in to the network using their campus computer account username and password. Warning: Contents of the "Z" drive are deleted at the end of every semester.